MG 8452

AFP Ninja Gig

There is a conference underway in Wellington that goes by the name of Webstock, I did not attend. Two of the guest speakers were musicians that I like, Amanda Palmer and Jason Webley. This evening just gone Amanda played a ninja gig* at the Wellington Civic Square and invited Jason along for the party, and I was there to see and hear.

It was an interesting and engaging evening. True, half the time I couldn’t actually hear the music over the general hubbub of people but it was fun none-the-less. Jason’s arrival livened things up, his maniac accordion playing going down a treat. There were duets and requests, crowd surfing and an acoustic ukulele cover of Radiohead’s song Creep. It was wonderful, more so perhaps for being free. Naturally I took some photos.

MG 8452Photo by Brendon & Keryn

Amanda Palmer plays the square.

MG 8613Photo by Brendon & Keryn

Jason Webley joins in.

MG 8680Photo by Brendon & Keryn


MG 8720Photo by Brendon & Keryn

Crowd surfing!

MG 8740Photo by Brendon & Keryn

Finishing with Radiohead.

More photos can be found on Flickr.

* Almost spontaneous music event organised off the cuff through social media outlets such as twitter.
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