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Once more to Zealandia

I’ve got my replacement camera via insurance and Noel Leeming so decided to head out and try it out. I headed to Zealandia and wandered around for a good three hours, taking a few tracks I hadn’t been on before and naturally taking lots of photos. New for me this time were saddleback on the round the lake track and a tuatara on the outside of the fenced off area where they are normally seen.

IMG 0277Photo by Brendon & Keryn

A saddleback interrupted while searching for food.

IMG 0395Photo by Brendon & Keryn

Found under the big log at Tui Terrace.

It was overcast and there was low cloud on the hills, which meant it was bright and the light was good under the trees. Perhaps it was a little dark for decent photography, by it was good low light practice.

IMG 0128Photo by Brendon & Keryn

Misty hills.

IMG 0366Photo by Brendon & Keryn

A robin with its lunch.

It was a good visit, its very nice to be here mid week with less crowds. And the new camera performed well, which was also good.

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One thought on “Once more to Zealandia

  1. Hi. I’m the senior marketing coordinator at ZEALANDIA. These are absolutely stunning photos – very hard to get such a sharp one of a saddleback! I was wondering if you would be interested in allowing us to use some of these pictures to promote our sanctuary. If so, would you be able to email me high-res images along with whatever credits and conditions you’d like to put on the images.

    Also, perhaps consider putting them on the Karori Wildlife Sanctuary group on Flickr, which I will be linking to from our website shortly.

    Kind regards,

    Al Dicks

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