IMG 5350

Wanderlust shortlist

I received an email the other day to tell me that I hadn’t placed in the top photos for the Travel Photographer of the Year competition, which is a pity. However, the next day I received an email to tell me I was short listed in another UK travel photo competition, this time for the magazine Wanderlust. Again its only one photo out of the many I entered but again its a small success, so I’m happy. The photo was submitted as part of a portfolio and while the portfolio wasn’t short listed this photo was deemed good enough for the single image category Travel Icons:

IMG 5350Photo by Brendon & Keryn

Flags outside the Salt Hostel, Salar de Uyuni, Bolivia

Reading the fine print it looks like there is a good chance that this photo will be displayed at the Destinations Travel Shows held in London and Birmingham next year, so if anyone goes to the shows and could grab a photo that’d be great! (I think I’ll have to remind people closer to the time). The results are not announced until February 2010.

edit 21/01/2010 Further communication around sending in a RAW file and a high quality file for judging reveals that there are 14 photos in my section which will be cut down to 10 for final judging (and the final 10 will be displayed I presume). So I may not make the cut for display, we’ll wait and see.

edit 23/01/2010 Got the news yesterday that I made the cut, so my photo will be on display at the Destinations Travel Show this February. Just a pity I can’t go and see it.

What else? We had a BBQ at our place on Saturday and even got to sit outside in the sun for a while towards the end. We’re still eating the leftovers. On Sunday Keryn hosted a baking group and lots of colourfully iced biscuits (amongst other things) were produced.

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