
Changes are occurring
Changes are occurring

If you’re reading this on the website directly you’ll notice things have changed somewhat. I’ve decided that the time has again come for a redesign and here you have it. There are two major changes to be aware of.

Firstly the guestbook is now no longer. It doesn’t get used that much and what with email, facebook and twitter I think there are better means of leaving a message. Also, it gets tiresome clearing out spam comments. So, bye bye guestbook.

Secondly, we’re in the process of changing how photos are displayed and held on the site. The old gallery is currently still here but no longer directly linked from the site navigation. I’m going to be doing some research, maybe even reading some online manuals, and at this stage it looks like I’ll use a service such as flickr to host photos and some sort of wordpress plug-in to display them on the 2kiwis site. In the meantime there are photos from the various facebook albums available via the link over to the left.

Oh, and I will be doing more updates in regard to the final few weeks in South America. Soon.

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