Jim’s Feijoa

We had dinner with Jim and Emma last Thursday evening and afterwards we took Jim’s precious Feijoa home to plant-sit while he and Emma head off to France for the week. You can read more about the Feijoa on Wikipedia – I didn’t know that the plant is named after a Brazilian Botanist. Here is Jim’s Feijoa plant, we haven’t killed it yet.

Jim's Feijoa.
Jim’s Feijoa

Speaking of old flatmates we rang Steve and Chris in Melbourne this morning. Chris is eight and a half months pregnant and is due the middle of June. It’s their first child so naturally they are nervous and excited and full of questions which we have no idea about. The other flatmate of those times in Hamilton is Daniel and he and his wife Juliet welcomed Finn into the world last month – you can see Finn’s website here: http://www.finnparker.com.

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One thought on “Jim’s Feijoa

  1. So with all your old flatmates having babys it must be your turn next? đŸ˜‰

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