
In the afternoon I made my way to East Putney and the Chakalaka resturant for an Africa in Focus reunion. Twelve of us made it and spent a number of hours talking about the last year while eating and drinking African food. I left after only an hour to travel out to Heathrow to meet Keryn who was flying back from NZ. I got to the arrivals hall about 2 minutes before Keryn walked out so that all worked out nicely. A quick change of clothes and we were off heading back to the resturant so Keryn could meet people as well.

We got back as people were finishing so we decamped into the next door resturant and continued the catch up. A few people had already left so Keryn didn’t get to talk with Helen, Maria or John which was a pity. Tina and Roger didn’t go on to the pub as they had to travel back out Cambridge way so it was just a few of us in conversation over a few drinks. I only ended up taking one photo, I guess I was a little tired (nothing like Keryn who did fantasically well considering the flying before she arrived in London) and for some reason I didn’t think of a photo till after Rachel had left so you only get four people: Sharon, Steve, Kathy and Will.

Sharon, Steve, Kathy and Will.
Sharon, Steve, Kathy and Will.

All too soon it was time to leave and we departed, saying goodbye to Will who was driving. We all got the same train heading east with Keryn and I getting off at Tower Hill. Then it was on to Liverpool St and home for a good nights sleep.

Today we had work and Keryn made it through without falling asleep at her desk. A work lunch helped, as did flowers sent by Patricia and Sam. Thanks to everyone who has called, texted, sent cards and best wishes. It’s all very much appreciated. Here is Keryn at home with her flowers.

Flowers for Keryn.
Flowers for Keryn.

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