At long last (or nearly anyway)

Bridget, your DVD’s of photos are nearly on their way. I will burn the DVD’s after this post and they’ll be sent either tomorrow or Wednesday, with a little luck they’ll be with you for Christmas.

There are the adjusted photos plus black and white copies on the two DVD’s. I’ve also included some edited files as examples of what else I can do if you wish. Small copies are included here.

Icing isolated and saturated, background desaturated and contrast boosted.
Icing isolated and saturated, background desaturated and contrast boosted

Background desaturated and blurred, detail left in colour.
Background desaturated and blurred, detail left in colour

Background desaturated and blurred.
Background desaturated and blurred

Contrast boosted and sepia tone applied.
Contrast boosted and sepia tone applied

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2 thoughts on “At long last (or nearly anyway)

  1. Wow Brendon, they’re fantastic and we love them!!! Can’t wait to see the dvd now that I know the kind of stuff you’ve been up to! Thank you. What a great brother you turned out to be 🙂

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