Back in the UK

So we’re back, work is upon us and our brief trip is a fast fading memory. I’ve got a pile of wedding photos I’m slowly processing (I’ll get there Bridget) and we’re got a long weekend break in Paris coming up in a few days. To tide you over until the wedding photos are unleashed we have a few more photos from our trip. These are from the last day in Tekapo which saw us also drive out to Mt. Cook for a bit of mountain walking.

The sun hits the Southern Alps.
The sun hits the Southern Alps

Early morning at the Church of the Good Shepherd.
Early morning at the Church of the Good Shepherd

The road to Mt. Cook Village.
The road to Mt. Cook Village

Looking back at Mt. Cook in the early evening.
Looking back at Mt. Cook in the early evening

Tomorrow, if you’re lucky, we’ll have some Brisbane photos!

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