Driving to Maun

October 28th – Day Thirty Four

As is usual we had an early start for our journey away from the National Park towards the city of Maun. One thing we noticed today was the general good repair of the roads in Botswana, the ride being comparatively smooth compared to the roads we had travelled in other countries so far on our journey. There wasn’t much to the day other than driving other than lunch at a designated roadside picnic site underneath a large baobab tree. The tree was carved with names of those who had stopped here before and the ground was littered with many old soft drink and beer cans, a mess which seemed to make the sign saying it was an offence to litter rather redundant (it actually appeared that the rubbish bin hadn’t been emptied in a very long time and perhaps animals had tipped it to create the mess). While preparing lunch we were briefly visited by what I would describe as African Cowboys, a couple of men on horses driving a small herd of donkey before them. Jacques had mentioned that the Botswana people seem to like donkeys and we certainly saw many of these animals as we drove through the country. Other than lunch the only other event was arriving at the Audi campsite, the nights accommodation being a sandy area for our tents but a nice ablution block so it wasn’t bad. Before dinner Jacques went over what would be happening during the next three days as we entered the Okavango Delta, you’ll have to read on to find out about that adventure. That’s about it for today, we needed a relaxing day to conserve energy for the following ones.

The Botswana cowboys
The Botswana cowboys

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