Relaxing at the Red Sea

Today is a free day to relax at Dahab on the shore of the Red Sea in Egypt. I’ve been writing a few things, sorting out money and doing a bit of shopping while Keryn has done a refresher dive this morning and has just set off to do a dive with Tracey off an Island in the Red Sea. It’s beginning to hit that we’re nearly finished our three weeks and we don’t want to go back.

We visited the hospital in Jordan to help stop a tummy bug that was doing the rounds on the truck. A number of people were put on a drip and we were all prescribed with antibiotics for three days to kill the bug as we didn’t want it going around and around leaving people sick and lethargic. It was a pleasant trip, the hospital was clean and new and the staff friendly.

We’ve got one more day in Dahab and most of us will be going snorkelling. Then in the evening it’s off to Mt. Sinai where we sleep at the summit ready to watch the sunrise in the morning. After sunrise it’s back down and a long drive off to Cairo for a farewell dinner where 4 of us leave the tour, the others being joined by 9 more people for the final two week tour of Egypt.

Those of us left will be spending a day in Cairo, visiting the pyramids and maybe taking a short cruise on the Nile before heading to the airport and onwards home for us and Patrick and further travelling for Roz. I really don’t want this to end…but it has to.

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