Air Show

Some shots from the airshow on Sunday. We had great seats in the ‘Friends of the Royal International Air Tattoo’ grandstand. The grandstand was about as close to the runway as you could get without running the risks of burns or permanent deafening. We got to see all sorts of aircraft perform displays, the military craft such as the F15 Tomcat being highlights. We also got a good performance from the Red Arrows who I’ve wanted to see for a long time. All in all a good day out.

Passing the Red Arrows as we entered the base.
Passing the Red Arrows as we entered the base

Four Hercules performing a flypast in formation.
Four Hercules performing a flypast in formation

A Navy Sea Harrier hanging over the runway in front of the grandstand.
A Navy Sea Harrier hanging over the runway in front of the grandstand

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