Sarah in NZ

Sarah McLachlan is visiting Australia and NZ as part of her tour later in the year, dates as follows:
Sarah Mclachlan in NZ and Australia

  • Sat 22 May Brisbane
  • Sun 23 May Sydney
  • Thu 27 May Melbourne
  • Sun 30 May Perth
  • Wed Jun 2th Adelaide
  • Fri Jun 4th Christchurch NZ
  • Mon Jun 7th Auckland NZ

Meanwhile we’ve been busy looking for a new place to live (out landlady is moving back in to our current home). We’ve decided to save a bit of money over (at least) the next six months and we’re moving out to Brentwood in Essex. Brentwood is outside the M25, the London ring road, and is outside London as a consequence. We’re going to be paying just over half of what we currently pay in rent and once we factor in the increased travel costs we should be able to save an extra ?300 odd a month. That’s the plan anyway.

I’ll email out the address at some point, we move on the weekend of the 3rd/4th of April. I’d put the address on the website but someone pointed out that it’s not the best idea to have our home address and dates when we’ll be on holiday on the same site. It’s probably unlikely that anyone would notice and then plan to rob our house but we’ll be safe rather than sorry.

It’s not long now till we head off to Venice, I’m looking forward to the holiday. Because we’re in one city for five days we’re going to try and relax a bit this time, rather than our usual trying to cram seeing everything into a few short days. We’re also already looking forward to our trip from Istanbul to Cairo in September/October, that’ll be a different experience for us.

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