Catching up

So, what have we been up to recently? Well, there was the Cara Dillon concert that the photo somewhere below came from. I was mightily embarrassed by that photo. One of my pet hates is people who take photos while using the flash on their camera in a concert, most distracting. I normally double check such things, but not this time. The venue was quite small and we were in the second row sitting directly in front of Cara. For some reason the two seats in the front row directly in front of us were empty, which meant we had easily the best seats in the place. Anyway, I took the photo, the flash went off and I felt everyone looking at me. That’s one reason I only took one photo, the other being that I felt to conspicuous taking any more (given that I wasn’t meant to be taking photos anyway, venue rules).

The night before we had been to an altogether different concert at the Shepherds Bush Empire. The band in this case was Live and it was a fun, loud rock concert. The band took a while to come on (nearly two hours during which time we had two other bands) but when they did the whole place came alive. The crowd singing was the most in-tune I’ve ever heard, it certainly makes a difference when everyone knows the words as well.

Not much else has been going on, Keryn went up to visit her dressmaker again last weekend and we’ve been organising accommodation for ourselves and others around the wedding date. This weekend we’re off to another Photography Monthly Readers Day on Sunday, down at Lulworth Castle. Keryn’s also got some shopping lined up for Saturday. And that’s about it.

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