It has been cool and wet today so what better time to head into Zealandia? Yeah, perhaps not the ideal visiting conditions but we still had a good time. The wildlife doesn’t get the option to avoid the rain and we saw plenty of birds going about their business. The forest was often a scene of swaying trees and dripping leaves with the noise of the weather being challenged by the calls of the birds. Kaka especially seemed to be camped in the canopy kawing and calling loudly.
We were largely alone in the valley with the only people encountered being staff. Nio and Orbell seemed surprised to see us when we came down to the takahe lawn but were soon going about as usual and stoically ignoring the wind and rain.
In the shadow of the upper dam the kaka feeders were abuzz with kaka flying in and a bevy of other birds scurrying around trying to catch the scraps from the pellets the kaka were eating. All the birds were a bit sodden, well other than the pateke who were probably wondering what the fuss was all about.
So it was wet but we were wrapped up in our raincoats and rugged up in our layers so we were fine. It’s always nice to visit Zealandia and see a different side. Life goes on no matter the weather 🙂