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Pirates for a day

On Sunday Keryn and I took part in the Adventure Wellington Great Pirate Treasure Hunt. In teams (crews) of five we all raced around the Wellington waterfront and beyond competing in tasks to be rewarded with coins. We were part of the crew of the Gabriel along with Suzanne, Sue and our Captain Robyn. The Gabriel had put some effort into costumes, we all had matching t-shirts and suitably pirate themed accessories like tattoos and bandannas, but we we’re left behind in the costuming stakes by many other teams. The organisers of the day were also impressively dressed and it was good fun running around as part of the pirate horde, with lots of appreciative comments from others sharing the waterfront. There was also the opportunity before the event started to get extra make-up effects applied for a small fee, so a number of pirates sported ugly scars, bleeding wounds and extravagant tattoos.

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Admiral Keith ready for some pirating.

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Chief organising pirate Alison with our Captain Robyn in the background.

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Another organiser in chief, Linc made a fine pirate.

We were sent off from Frank Kitts Park, each crew having a map showing the first and subsequent destinations. During the day we took part in statue dressing, snorkelling, digging, sailing, puzzling, kidnap, escaping, climbing, hack sack, caving, hill climbing, bobbing for fruit (and rum and a severed foot), practical angry birds, dodge-ball, hopping for rings, music making, dancing and knot tying. There was also a fair bit of skulduggery, piratical behaviour and more than one sword fight to be had all in the name of good fun.

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Keryn admires out teamwork in dressing up the Solace in the Wind statue.

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We dug for treasure on the beach and Keryn then snorkelled to identify a mysterious object.

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Captain Mick of Sudden Death fighting one of his crew on the plank.

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Sudden Death are announced as winners.

We ended up coming a respectable 17th out of 29 crews, not a bad effort. The winning crew were transported to an island in Wellington Harbour where they had to locate and dig up their chest of treasure and the rest of the crews were split into two boats to head out and watch. As we ended up in the lower half of the rankings we were on the bread and water boat, our betters being fed pizza instead. Before we all headed out the final announcement was of the losing crew, and as it was a tie there was a pirate vote to see which Captain would walk the plank with Captain Gary of Sea King the unlucky soul sent to the sea.

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Captain Gary takes his responsibilities as a true pirate, no hesitation.

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Pirates having a good time.

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Sudden Death with their treasure.

Coming up in the next few months are many more Adventure Wellington events, with the horror filled Zombie Island the biggest highlight.

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