Oncoming evening

Mothers Day

This mothers day Keryn had a good sleep-in, a bubble bath and breakfast made for her. Unfortunately she also had quite the cold with a scratchy and sore throat so the sleep in was needed and couldn’t be enjoyed. Alayna and I kept each other entertained to allow Keryn some peace and rest.

Outside it was a beautiful day so once Keryn was feeling a bit more human we headed out in the afternoon for a late lunch in Petone. Caffiend in Petone was busy but had a few tables free so we were able to squeeze in and order good food. Alayna sat on my lap and was happy and playful for our time at the cafe and she surprised us with her skillful mastery of straw usage on the first attempt, her reward a good taste of a nice berry smoothie.

There was a blue sky and little wind so we made our way to the foreshore for a walk along the beach.

Petone foreshore
Petone foreshore

Alayna was having a good look around and was especially interested in the birdlife, craning her head to see the seagulls and oystercatchers standing at the waters edge. We walked to the wharf where Alayna was happy for some time out of the backpack carrier to check out the stones of the wharfs surface.

On the wharf
On the wharf
Mother and daughter
Mother and daughter
Happy wee girl
Happy wee girl

Keryn was a little puffed from the walk so she and Alayna sat on a sun-lit seat watching the harbour and the people walking by while I headed back to get the car. It was nearing sunset and the golden light was lovely across the calm water across to Matiu-Somes Island. Wellington on a good day is, as they say, hard to beat.

Oncoming evening
Oncoming evening
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