Wrapping up while waiting for a bite

Back to Petone (and 13 years)

We had a busy afternoon visiting a daycare centre in Takapu Valley and then visiting our mortgage broker in Wellington. One of those visits ended with a decision being made. It was a beautiful day so rather than spending the evening sitting in congested traffic we headed to Petone (OK, there was a short period of highway slowdown) so I could take some photos at the Petone Wharf. Keryn stayed in the warm car with Alayna and served up dinner.

We've been here before
We’ve been here before
What do they store in here?
What do they store in here?
Wrapping up while waiting for a bite
Wrapping up while waiting for a bite
Fishing downstairs
Fishing downstairs
Foreshore reflections
Foreshore reflections
The long rail
The long rail

This month marks 13 years since we started this blog. That sounds like a long time to me. Maybe we’ll still be blogging in another 13 years (from our hovercar virtual screens on the flightpath between Wellington and Hobart).

Posts created 877

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