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Fever Hospital

The Wellington branch of the SPCA has been granted a lease on the old Fever Hospital located on Mt Victoria. Over the last few months tours have been run by the SPCA giving a view of the current state of the building and an insight into the future vision after refurbishment. Keryn and I were organised enough to make one of the last tours on the Sunday just gone.

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Fever Hospital.

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On tour.

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Big empty rooms.

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Tour on the move.

The tours were eared towards imparting information on the coming transformation and showing people the scale of the building while imparting a vision of the usage of each room both in the past and in the future. It wasn’t a tour for photographers, so I had to grab shots quickly. It was next to impossible to get photos with no people (though I gave it a good go) so I tried to add a little mystery to the use of people by using slow shutter speeds to capture movement in the figures were possible and add some atmosphere. Even on a bright afternoon the building had a cold and mildly creepy atmosphere, especially in the bathrooms that could come straight out of a horror movie set (and have been used as such).

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Our guide tells us about this room.

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And a photo without all the pesky people.

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A long dark corridor.

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A cherry bathroom.

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One last room in need of decoration.

More information on the SPCA move into this building can be found here:

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