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There have been some new meetup groups Keryn and I have joined over the last few months. One of them is Wellywalks, a walking group which came about through the desire of some Adventure Wellington members to have scheduled walks for those who want to walk at a more sedate pace and spend some time appreciating the scenery.

Our first Wellywalks jaunt saw us joining a couple of others undertaking a loop starting at Paremata Station and then travelling around Mana, Camborne and part of Pauatahanui Inlet. The walk was led by Margaret who we knew from the Photography meetup group and our other companion for the next few hours was Henri, an interesting man who has spent the last few years working on aid projects in far flung countries of Africa and elsewhere.

MG 9446Photo by Brendon & Keryn

Recently painted sheds at the Mana boatyard.

MG 9455Photo by Brendon & Keryn

Morning cricket in the park.

MG 9460Photo by Brendon & Keryn

A lovely spring day to hike around Pauatahanui Inlet.

MG 9462Photo by Brendon & Keryn

A painted door on a Pauatahanui Inlet boat shed.

MG 9472Photo by Brendon & Keryn

Flax blowing in the breeze.

The walk was nice and easy on a warm morning with a nice breeze keeping things comfortable. We had a few hills around Camborne but all things considered the journey was easy and pleasant with nice views and good company. Hopefully we’ll be doing plenty more walking over the coming months.

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