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The day after

A more relaxed day was had following the Wedding. In the morning Keryn and I walked around Bondi, checking out the beach and views from the rocky headland nearby. We saw lots of people surfing, a guy fishing from the rocks with good success, crashing waves and plenty of dark clouds. The rain came in as we headed back to the shops but thankfully didn’t last too long. We checked out the local market, bumping in to Sam and Jules and later Eleanor and Aaron as we debated finding something to eat (which turned out to be ice cream filled pancakes, eaten under cover as the rain came back).

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The swimming pools at Icebergs on Bondi Beach.

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Bondi Beach.

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Watching the surfing.

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Looking back from the headland.

Kate and Roger had organised some afternoon entertainment at the Bondi Lawn Bowls club and we were first to arrive. We sat on the club veranda and had a drink while watching the rain come and go, it didn’t look like there would be much bowling taking place. More people arrived and someone bought with them some better weather and we were able to get out for a few ends of bowls, sunshine even making an appearance. I turned out to be quite good at bowls, the odd throw with the bias the wrong way aside. The afternoon passed pleasantly and plans were made for a final get together at the Icebergs restaurant for dinner so it was back to the apartment to get changed.

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At the bolo.

Having consulted our Australia guidebook I was a little nervous about dinner and not being dressed appropriately. The Icebergs Restaurant is one of the fancier eating establishments in Bondi, apparently a place to be seen. It was with relief that we found a somewhat less salubrious bistro downstairs, the dress code somewhat lower. We arrived just in time, it being announced that last orders were being taken for dinner as we found our table, so quick decisions were made on food and then we sat down to talk with the waves below a constant hum in the background. Dinner was good, plenty of good food leaving everyone happy. It was a fitting end to our fleeting Sydney visit, the next day we were off to Melbourne for an even shorter stay.

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