MG 3713

A summer holiday: Hamilton

With a week off we had a few little adventures planned and started with the drive up to Hamilton. We stayed a couple of nights with Dean, Bridget and Adam and managed to get in some shopping, playtime and a visit to the Hamilton Gardens. We also got to catch up with Grant, Sally-Anne, Jorja, Ashley and Xanthe which was good, we need to visit friends more often. The time in Hamilton was remarkable for the lack of photos, the camera not coming out until the last days trip to the Gardens.

MG 3713Photo by Brendon & Keryn

Bridget and Adam on the see-saw.

MG 3763Photo by Brendon & Keryn

Adam with his Aunt and Uncle.

MG 3773Photo by Brendon & Keryn

Explaining that yes, photos do need to be taken.

MG 3785Photo by Brendon & Keryn

Hello/Goodbye from the Burdett family.

We’ll have to spend more time in the Hamilton Gardens next time, they’ve matured well since my last visit and there are new gardens to explore.

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