MG 0996


As mentioned on twitter a while back I’ve become addicted to watching the Karearea (NZ Falcons) at Zealandia. The breeding pair have one chick this year and it has recently fledged. I was lucky enough to stumble upon the chosen resting spot earlier this week and got some good photos. I’m also lucky enough not to have been dive bombed by the protective parents, I guess I haven’t looked too threatening or got too close. Here we have a selection of photos from the last couple of weeks.

MG 0996Photo by Brendon & Keryn

The karearea pair, the female is the larger one to the left.

MG 1664Photo by Brendon & Keryn

The male karearea fans out the feathers while stretching.

MG 1817Photo by Brendon & Keryn

Cleaning tail feathers.

MG 2547Photo by Brendon & Keryn

Keeping watch on the fledgling.

MG 2475Photo by Brendon & Keryn

The fledgling stretches and glares.

MG 2509Photo by Brendon & Keryn

Notice the blue around the eyes rather than the adult yellow.

And finally a video I took, I have a way to go to get to a decent standard I think – and I don’t sound like Sir David Attenborough so no commentary either.

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