Mr Blue

I entered a draw to win access to a launch event for Catherine Feeny’s new single “Mr Blue” and found out Tuesday afternoon that I was one of the few invited to attend. Wednesday morning saw me ascending the stairs at Grand central Studios to emerge on the roof terrace. There were free drinks to hand of the non alcoholic variety and at one end of the terrace a sign telling everyone who they were here to see.

The view from the Grand Central Studios roof terrace.
The view from the Grand Central Studios roof terrace

There were a number of photographers in attendance along with a couple of people videoing and I planted myself in line all with them at the front. We all waited for about 40 minutes before Catherine came out and she was quickly into the first song after a short “hello”. The photographers were pretty much in the way of most people, which was a pity, but I didn’t see anyone looking upset.

Catherine plays, the photographers shoot.
Catherine plays, the photographers shoot

There were three songs in total, “Hush Now”, “Always Tonight” and “Mr Blue”. During the performance of “Mr Blue” a large number of blue balloons were released and the sun also managed to come out, it was a nice moment.

Balloons for Mr Blue.
Balloons for Mr Blue

Catherine Feeny admires her balloons.
Catherine Feeny admires her balloons

Once the songs were done I packed up my camera and headed off. I had a bit of a shop in HMV (I picked up Paula Cole’s new album) and I also passed a rather confused and bedraggled looking Jeremy Clarkson wandering down a side street. Then it was to work for the afternoon.

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