Weekend visits

Over the last couple of weekends we’ve been out and about rather more than in recent months. It’s no co-incidence that this has corresponded with a marked change in the weather with mostly warm days over the Easter weekend and very warm days the weekend just gone.

On Easter Saturday we went out and visited the Tower of London. Keryn’s knee is getting slowly better and the Tower visit was a good test – it did mean we didn’t explore the whole site but we did get a bit of preferential treatment because various staff noticed Keryn’s crutch. You can see some photos from the trip by clicking on this Tower of London link or by clicking on the photo below:

The White Tower at the Tower of London.
The White Tower at the Tower of London

On Easter Monday we were invited by Jim to join him and Emma on a drive out to the seaside at Southend. Our visit was accidentally timed with a motorbike convention and we were joined on the promenade by several thousand bikes and their riders. Click the link to see photos from our visit to the longest pier in Europe and the Southend Shakedown motorbike meet.

The Southend Pier, the longest pier in Europe.
The Southend Pier, the longest pier in Europe

Yesterday afternoon we travelled to South Kensington and visited the Natural History Museum. We spent a lot of time at the Shell Wildlife Photographer of the Year exhibition and then walked though the dinosaur display at the Museum. You can see some photos from our visit to the Natural History Museum by clicking this link.

The Natural History Museum.
The Natural History Museum

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