"And that’s to laugh and smile and dance and sing"

We went sailing on the weekend, more on that later. Last night I travelled to Trafalgar Square after I finished work to take part in the world record attempt at creating the largest coconut orchestra. The event was a combination of a promotional stunt for the Spamalot west end show and a celebration of being English, it being St George’s Day.

Assembled crowd with coconuts at the ready (but hidden).
Assembled crowd with coconuts at the ready (but hidden)

I arrived too late to register for my own set of coconuts so had to make do with watching the practice led by the cast of Spamalot. This involved the crowd learning how to mimic the sounds made by a horse as it walks, trots and then gallops and the crowd generally got it pretty good. There was also a bit of singing practice where we were led in a few lines of the classic Python song “Always Look on the Bright Side of Life”. For the song the whistling parts were replaced by much clashing of coconuts.

A few famous Pythons joined the Spamalot cast for the attempted record.
A few famous Pythons joined the Spamalot cast for the attempted record

A number of people were dressed up for the occasion.
A number of people were dressed up for the occasion

Practice done and rules set out for the record attempt by a Guinness Records Representative (who was Scottish, that didn’t go down too well) we were off. In the end over 4000 people managed to create some semblance of order and tune and London was awarded the record.

Holding aloft the record certificate.
Holding aloft the record certificate

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