
October 18th – Day Twenty Four

Today is my sister Catherine’s birthday so I tried sending her a happy birthday text only to realise later in the day I had sent it to her home phone number rather than her mobile (which I don’t have). At least I tried. My cell phone is also now working again, a battery charge and 10 days without use seeming to have dried it out enough to stop any further problems. As said this was a very long driving day and not a lot of interest happened; we drove for a long time, had numerous toilet stops, had lunch just up from a bridge where we could look over to Mozambique, drove, stopped, drove, stopped and sleep when we could. The outside temperature was very hot so it was all we could do just to doze, play some cards or a game of travel scrabble. We made it to Lusaka while it was still light and made ourselves at home at the Pioneer Camp which as well as the usual camping ground and bar also had a games area with pool and table tennis tables next to a pool. The remaining afternoon was spent at games or in the bar before dinner. Tina, Will and I cleaned out the truck and other did their assigned duties. With yet another 5am start the next day it was an early night for most, a few of us watching football in the bar but we were all off to bed by half time.

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