Driving to Dar es Salaam

September 29th – Day Five

We awoke to find our washing still very wet. Breakfast was had in a light drizzle and we had to rig up a line in the truck, Jacques coming up trumps with his knots. It was a long driving day as we made our way to Dar es Salaam. Events for the day included lots of sleep and resting, broken up by toilet stops and a backing lunch stop beside a busy road. Those at the back of the truck played Trivial Pursuit for a while, Jacques, Keryn and I losing to Maria, Will, Roger and Tina by one question. We got to Dar es Salaam just as rush hour started so it took us a while to get to the camp at the Silver Sands camp site. The Silver Sands, as it name implies, is on the beach and the sand is white and soft. We set up tents, completed chores and then sat on the beach eating popcorn (I don’t know where Joe gets all this food from) while waiting for dinner. Dinner was again very nice and was followed by desert of marshmallows and chocolate dip. Sated we sat around for a while before heading to our tents and falling asleep.

Trees through the morning mist and rain.
Trees through the morning mist and rain

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