
The day so far has been spent wandering the old city of Damascus. We’ve visited the Umayyad Mosque and walked the Hamideyeh Souk (market) as well as some general walking around the streets. We’re off to a hotel to relax by a pool later this afternoon, it gets really hot here.

Yesterday was a long driving day from Krac des Chevaliers to Palmyra and then on to Damascus but that wasn’t a good day for Keryn or I. We both had a bug of some kind and had no energy at all so spent the 2 hours at Palmyra in the truck mostly. We’re on the mend today so that’s all good. I’ve decided I like Syria, its a whole different world and the arid desert is a good place for contemplation.

Tomorrow we’re heading on a day trip to Lebanon and Beirut so that should be another interesting experience. Until next time then, see you later.

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