Flying visit

Ning relaxing in the early morning at the ruins of the Royal Temple of Wat Phrasrisanpeth Uncle Michael at the ruins of the Royal Temple of Wat Phrasrisanpeth Keryn and I atop an Elephant, half way through our 20 minute ride. The photo was taken by the guide, he did a funny little manoeuvre to […]

New blog

Over the last month or so the number of photos appearing in this blog has increased. This means the page takes longer to load, which probably isn’t a good thing. To combat this I’ve created a new blog specifically for photos, so now there will be less in the way of photos in this, the […]

Bye Bye Sun

Goodnight. Sunset over London Sunset over London

Kings Cross Station

Oh, and as usual, I’ve been taking photo’s. Here’s one at Kings Cross station from Tuesday. Kings Cross in the morning, 4 March 2003

Rooftop shots

A couple of shots from the roof of 140 London Wall yesterday evening. London always looks crammed from up high.size: 106kb Into the sun.size: 59kb

The Barbican

More sunrise images, this time taken as I walked from Barbican tube station to work though the Barbican complex Aldersgate Street, taken from the road bridge leading from the Barbican tube to the Barbican complex Sunlight flowing through the Barbican complex. Sunrise over east London.


Sunrise as I walked to the train station this morning.


Saturday night had us at the Royal Albert Hall for a performance by the Cirque du Soleil. Way back when we were in Melbourne we saw the Cirque du Soleil performance of Alegria. This time around it was Saltimbanco. These people take performance art and the circus to a level that defies comprehension, the feats […]


The digital camera we now have is a Canon PowerShot S45. When I was looking up digital cameras I had the following requirements: Had to be small enough to carry around with me to concerts, on walking trips and to work. Had to have a decent resolution, 4 megapixel or better. – Pixel’s are the […]

BBC and the uncredited photo

Well, I know I’m slack but now its confirmed. I took a lot of photos at work on Wednesday while it was snowing and shared them out for people at work to have a look. Apparently quite a few people sent the photos home to parents and friends. It also looks like someone submitted one […]

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