The photos from the weekends wedding are up…mostly. A few of the thumbnails didn’t make it and one of the full sized photos also appears to have got lost. Anyway, I’ll fix that tonight and put up proper links on the menus at some point
Jim and Gee get married
On Saturday we went to the beautiful wedding of Jim and Georgina at a church in Camden Town, London. I’ll have a whole bunch of photos up shortly (well, the next couple of days). This is the couple at the reception, enjoying the attention and having a nice dance on their own. Jim and Gee […]
Kew Gardens
In a fit of unusual efficency we have photos up of todays events. We visited Kew Gardens with Amanda and Daniel, you can find the photos under the Day Trips section on the menu.
Coming soon
A busy weekend coming up. Jenny fly’s in on Sunday morning and Mandy will be meeting her somewhere in London. Mandy and Daniel will be house-sitting for us on the weekend, which means that Jenny will be able to stay as well. We’re going to be in Scotland for the weekend, leaving straight after work […]
Sally-Anne pops over for a visit
Sally-Anne is staying with us tonight. She’s been over this side of the world for a conference and to visit a few labs (In Scotland and Reading) and has visited or stayed on a couple of occasions over the last few weeks. The day before we went to Milton Keynes we went on a ‘tourist’ […]
Woman on the Moonwalk, taken sometime very early on Sunday morning.
Moonwalk call centre
Tonight, I’m part of the Moonwalk call centre. The Moonwalk is an annual (walking) marathon and half marathon through London and for the last few years Land Securities Trillium has offered its call centre facilities for the night. A bunch of volunteers (that’d be us) man the phones and take calls from walk-wardens, organisers, Police […]
Act for Tibet
Walking to work I came across the protest at Trafalgar Square this morning. There were plenty of police vehicles around but no-one seemed overly fussed about the protest, just waiting for them to come down. You can find out more about the protest by visiting I’m working at the Land Securities head office at […]
Centerpoint Tower
Walking to work when I’m on the early shift I cut through the Centerpoint Tower, this is a view looking up from the attrium
Old websites
Blast from the past time. Here’s one of my old websites, it’s got photos of an easter trip to Wellington with Steve and Chris, amongst other things.
Coming up
Not much going on at the moment, we’re just sorting out the odd wedding detail and looking forward to going to Brighton for Easter. We’re visiting Karyn and Brian and relaxing for a few days, hopefully in warm sunshine (it’s been a very mild Spring, apart from a brief cold spell last week that involved […]
There was a sub site once…
I have uploaded a small sub-site that contains photos from Steve and Christine’s wedding. You can (no longer) access it by clicking on the photo of Steve above.